Vertical Gardens

The vertical green company - Plantwall - Gardens.

Plantwall and Gardens with Fytocell®

When interested for home owners use and or smaller quantities to get used to our products, please visit our fytocell webshop in order to green up your nearest surroundings.

It is evident that flora brings a lot of positive effects to our living environment and this is clearly confirmed by research. More people are becoming aware of this and are looking for better solutions to improve their own green environment. This growing interest is focussed on indoor as well as outdoor possibilities in locations where in the past it was not possible to create green elements.

One can think of ever growing cities where the “spread of concrete” very often reduces the room for green areas. There is less space left for a small park or even some trees. On the one hand cities try to be as compact as possible, on the other hand the people who live there also require a pleasant and healthy environment.


Webshop Fytocell® - Plantenwand Pro - Minigarden
Fytobooster Logo

Ideal for home owners and gardens

FytoBooster is the solution for everybody, on any scale and for all types of plants! Do you also want to make the best and most of your plants?

The world wide interest for vertical gardens, indoor as well as outdoor, is growing rapidly. The right choice for an optimal growing medium is essential in vertical gardens because the volume of the growing medium is relative very small. Especially for outdoor gardens plants should survive in long warm, but also long cold periods.
Plant roots will grow into the Fytocell® substrate flakes and besides that flakes will facilitate water and nutrition after irrigation, the flakes will also insulate and protect roots for drying out in warm climate- and freezing in cold climate conditions.


Webshop Fytobooster®
Fytocell Fytomix and Minigarden instructions
Fytocell® in potting mixtures e.g. Fytomix
Herbal Green Wall - ideal for around the kistchen and cooking - Fytocell® in Plantenwand Pro - diverse modellen
Hydrocell green roof built-up
Fytocell in lawns and gardens
Fytocell ®- Plantwall - The vertical green company
All sorts of green walls and growing media - Fytocell® Hydrocell®
green wall you can eat ..All sorts of green walls and growing media - Fytocell® Hydrocell®
Hydrocell Landscaping, home and gardens

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