Fytocell® in potting mixtures e.g. Fytomix

Fytomix® and Hydrocell®.

Fytomix® and Hydrocell® - for green roofs

Fytomix® and Hydrocell®

Fytomix and Hydrocell foam flakes and specially developed potting soils and growth substrates for private gardens and the professional landscape sector. The strength of the products is the measured composition of the potting soils and the spongy foam flakes. The most important characteristics of these flakes are the large water absorbing ability and the low weight. The Hydrocell® foam flakes products are eminent efficient for improving the structure of soil, which will result in the faster and finer development of roots, a more beautiful crop and less intervening in dry circumstances.

Fytocell® in potting mixtures e.g. Fytomix

Fytocell® flakes, mixed with potting compost

Fytomix® – Hydrocell® foam flakes

A Better Way To Improve Potting Soils . Soil Additive Improves Root Development and Plant Vigour 

Fytocell® flakes, mixed with potting compost, provide the following benefits 

Oxygen availability, Water Management, Nutrient Retention, Stronger Root Systems, Peat Replacement, Biodegradable



Potting Supreme No 3 with Fytofoam

Potting Supreme No 3

Medium grade sphagnum peat Fytocell® foam, Potting Supreme No 3

Fytocell® used by commercial and hobby growers for vegetable crops.

After composting Fytocell® is an ideal growing media.

What can you do with Fytomix?

The cell structure of the foam  can hold 60% water and 40% air, by volume. Meaning that plant roots are able to grow through the foam and therefore being able to directly absorb the moisture and air from soil substrate. Nutrition can be added to the irrigation water which creates a very efficient use of the nutrition as well. No competition with soil particles and therefor also a saving in nutrition. Your local crop adviser can assist you to optimise this feature.

Adding this foam in our Fytomix products will result in better results and vigorous roots.

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