Fytofoam® Fytofoam

Fytofoam Soil Enhancer.


It's biodegradable and environmentally safe.

Twice the green, Half the water

Fytofoam®’s great water-holding ability and air permeability ensure a gradual release of the nutrients and the water absorbed. These factors have an extremely positive effect on germination and also encourage faster and finer rooting. As well as creating a splendid and even growth, this improves the self-restoring capability of the turf. In other words, with Fytofoam® you will have finer and better results and reduced water and electricity costs.

Twice the green, Half the water
Resins Agro Grass - Fytocell / Fytofoam

Can I use Fytofoam® for: Greens , Tees, Fairways and Roughs

Fytofoam, a unique soil improver with remarkable water holding properties used in  golf courses, for the usage in Greens, Tees and Fairways as a soil improver and even more for saving water.

Fytofoam® can be applied on soccer pitches and golf courses either by incorporating it into root zones during construction thereby achieving the ideal growing environment for quality turf grasses, or during resurfacing or routine maintenance.

Fytofoam® Layer Application

Two ways of applying Fytofoam®..

One way is that the Flakes are being incorporated already at the root-zone supplier and or mixed on site into the root-zone.

The second way is by layer applications – as seen in the picture.

The construction method comprises the application of a 3-5 cm layer of foam from a portable mixing machine. Or by spreading the Fytofoam® flakes over the field, and incorporated directly. Once the material has set the foam can be easily worked into the upper root-zone top layer with the use of a rotavator.

Fytofoam can be applied on soccer pitches and golf courses either by incorporating it into root zones during construction thereby achieving the ideal growing environment for quality turf grasses, or during resurfacing or routine maintenance.



Fytofoam® - roots throughout the root-zone

Fytofoam® in rootzone - provides increased wear performance

The fast recovery of turf together with healthier plant and root development provides increased wear performance.

Fytofoam’s great water-holding ability and air permeability ensure a gradual release of the nutrients and the water absorbed. These factors ……………….

……….with Fytofoam you will have finer and better results and reduced water and electricity costs.

Twice the green, Half the water

Fytofoam® - for Sport and Golf maintenance and construction, Turf applications

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